Goal of Transitions at BCSSSD

Transitions at BCSSSD Goals:

  • Provide training and work opportunities to individuals 18-21 years of age as they transition from a traditional school model to a preparatory life-skills model. Here, every young adult who is eligible for training and work opportunities will be provided the opportunity to develop home life, workplace, and/or college readiness skills needed to become productive members of their communities.

  • Provide opportunities for every young adult to choose a transition program based upon assessments and goals established by the IEP team.

  • Provide personalized opportunties for every individual to:

    • increase independence in their own daily living;

    • develop workplace skills;

    • experience volunteer, supportive, and/or competitive employment work opportunities as appropriate;

    • and/or prepare for and participate in college coursework at a local college for eligible young adults.

Transitions at BCSSSD:

  • Offers a four-tiered program to our students based upon their interests, desires, and needs: